Gen Talks

Better a poor man who lives with integrity, than a rich man who distorts right and wrong.

Proverbs 28:6



GenTalks is a collection of recorded talks from well-known speakers and authors who are committed to a higher standard of leadership that is critically founded upon integrity and authenticity. The team has agreed to partner with Gen123 and allow these videos to be viewed at no cost, in the hopes that you would be strengthened and encouraged deeply.

GenTalks is designed to encourage developing leaders around the globe. Our desire is to enable rising leaders to recognize the isolation and tension that frequently accompanies positions of authority. Because it is often tempting to compromise ones moral compass and ethical standards in order to advance a career trajectory (i.e.: success, accolades, and influence), leaders may find it easy to increase their capacity while struggling to maintain their character and inner core values. Almost inevitably, compromise and moral failure become the end result. These videos are designed to combat such tendencies, with the aim to both convict and embolden the up and coming leaders to walk in humility and truth.

Our prayer for each of you is a desire that the psalmist’s prayer in Psalm 51:6 may come to fruition, which states: “You [the LORD] delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” May the Lord delight in each of you, as you come honestly before the Lord with your struggles and temptations as leaders in a dark world. May He enable you to shine with His goodness, His light, and His purity in your places of influence and significance. And most significantly, may you be heartened and take courage, profoundly understanding of His power, His favor and joy in you.